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This page highlights some examples of my work. It is not meant to be a full repository, but a sample of the types of writing and creating that I have done and can do, with emphasis on work from my Masters in Distance Education program, much of which is not available elsewhere.

Supporting Digital Information Literacy in the Age of Open Access: Considerations for Online Course Design

This chapter in the edited volume Managing and Designing Courses in Ubiquitous Learning Environments, published by IGI Global, is a collaboration with Dr. Pascal Roubides.

Adjunct Faculty Participation in the Centralized Design of Online Courses

This literature-based study, published in the Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, was based on my capstone paper in my Masters in Distance Education program. 

Implications of Transactional Distance Theory for Online Competency-Based Education

I wrote this paper for the course Foundations of Distance Education & E-learning and later presented it at UMUC’s online Faculty Development Conference. Competency-based education (CBE) is gaining popularity in online education and raises questions about the roles of the instructor and class discussion as a required course activity. In the paper, I consider CBE through the lens of Michael G. Moore's transactional distance theory and make recommendations for ways to implement CBE online in order to minimize transactional distance. The paper demonstrates my ability to interpret practical educational approaches like CBE within a theoretical context.

Learner Characteristics and Special Groups

This Prezi presentation was created and delivered along with two classmates in the course Learner Support in Distance Education in Training. It demonstrates my ability to work collaboratively, my knowledge of accommodating learner characteristics, and my competence with multimedia presentation. 

The Chief Engineers Mailgroup: A Community of Practice for Chief Engineers at the United States Department of Veterans Affairs

This video, created for the course Teaching and Learning in Online Distance Education, analyzes a community of practice in use in the U.S. federal government. Communities of practice are a type of social learning with applications in a variety of contexts. It demonstrates my ability to explain and apply theoretical concepts and provides another example of multimedia production.

Commentary on Rumble's "Social Justice, Economics, and Distance Education"

I composed this paper as part of the course Costs and Economics of Distance Education & E-learning. It examines Greville Rumble's arguments regarding the moral responsibility of governments to provide education, and to do so cost-efficiently. This paper demonstrates analytical skills and the ability to take a systems view of issues in education.

Cost Analysis for a New Online Course

Also developed for Costs and Economics of Distance Education & E-learning, this document is a budget analysis for a proposed online course, including fixed and variable costs, income, and break-even point. It demonstrates my ability to forecast budgets, analyze education projects from a financial standpoint, and present financial analysis both graphically and in writing.

Plagiarism Prevention in Diverse Populations

This project began as a paper, "Plagiarism in Cross-Border Online Education," for the course Global Strategies, Perspectives, and Practices for Open and Distance Education. Its aim was to analyze the problem of plagiarism in online classes with culturally and nationally diverse students. As I wrote this paper, concepts similar to Universal Design for Learning emerged. I ran with this idea and presented a paper on preventing plagiarism using a UDL approach at the Mid-Atlantic Conference on College Composition and Communication.

Business Proposal for OER Development

This presentation is a proposal for using full-time faculty time to develop open educational resources at a large online university. Developed for the course Business of Distance Education and E-Learning, it is based on a real institutional context and demonstrates my ability to make a business case for an academic initiative. The university did pilot a similar approach shortly after this proposal was developed.

Faculty and Staff Learning and Development Improvement Plan

Developed for the course Online Learning and Development in the Workplace, this plan builds on an analysis of learning and development needs for an academic unit and puts forth a proposal for systematically advancing the unit's level of workplace L&D. 

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